Our Services

General Property Services
We start all of our property management services with a comprehensive inspection of the property involved so that we can fully recognize all of its assets and help determine where it might need some additional work. Then we can develop a customized property management solution, from our full array of available services, which will be ideal for each client’s situation.
Regular property visits allow us to perform scheduled maintenance tasks such as lawn and yard care, snow and ice removal, parking space clearing and enforcement, safety equipment inspections, and general garbage collection, storage and removal. Finding solutions that are environmentally friendly, energy efficient and contribute to waste reduction practices provides continuous savings for both the owners and the users of the property.
When occasional minor repairs and upgrades may be needed to your property, we can provide the best trades and service professionals for plumbing, electrical, heating, cooling, and ventilation work from our team of experts. Keeping the tenants satisfied with the best level of service they expect will ensure your properties are respected and in high demand in any market.
Administration tasks such as getting municipal licences and performing inspections, paying taxes and utility bills, rent collection and deposits, keeping proper insurance and regulatory documentation are all part of the package from a full service property management team. Other financial services are also available such as budgeting, accounting, payables, receivables, and the various reporting functions needed for your income property business activity. We can even assist with paralegal services for lease preparation, legal notifications and possible court services if required. Keeping as many of these tasks together in the hands or your professional property management team gives you the benefit of a one stop solution where you can take advantage our combined buying power to provide premium services at the best possible prices.

Rental Management and Tenant Services
The key to getting good value and return from your property is to help you find and maintain the best possible tenants. Our experienced team know what makes a good tenant and how to find them. The screening process requires careful selection, detailed background, references and rental history review and attention to what they are looking for and willing to pay for. Only the best candidates will be submitted to the owners for final confirmation. We can also provide the paralegal support for lease negotiations up front, and follow through with any enforcement and lease renewal procedures automatically.
We also have the necessary knowledge of local bylaws for rental units, including important fire and safety regulations, and contracts or leasing agreement terms to get the right solution for your property the first time. Also by having a wider exposure to the current market trends, we can recommend enhancements and improvements to your property that will generate stronger market interest and have a greater chance of generating higher revenues and paying for themselves sooner.
A friendly 24 hour / 7 days a week emergency response service can also be made available, which will give your tenants the assurance that their problems are handled promptly, while it relieves you of the troubles of dealing with them yourself. We can provide cost effective, timely service from our team of contractors and trades professional as required. By working directly with the tenant’s needs and keeping effective communications with the owners, we can ensure the operations are running smoothly and help prevent costly legal challenges or insurance claims.
The modest fees paid for superior property management services is more than worth the price to guarantee a trouble free continuous revenue stream, along with the assurance that your property is being maintained and treated with the care it needs for long term return on investment. With professional quality services and attention to detail ACCL Property Management can enhance the market value and appeal of your income property to generate maximum income with lower operating costs.

Condominium Management Services
While most condominiums have their own internal management board to oversee the operation of the condominium business itself, they still require many of the general property management services that have to be performed on a regular basis. By taking advantage of economies of scale, ACCL Property Management can provide these services to many different condominium corporations at a fraction of the cost it would take for each one to do it themselves. We have the team and the network to coordinate the best services in bulk with the advantages of lower cost and more professional experienced staff. We can also offer our services throughout the entire Greater Toronto Area and therefore extend the volume savings wherever your properties are in a wider geographical area.
ACCL Property Management also takes advantage of the latest high tech security and monitoring services, along with state of the art administrative software tools to help provide the leading edge solutions at the lowest possible cost. Modern mobile communications and internet services help us to optimize all of our property management services and we can share those savings with all of our clients. By having a thorough understanding of the Condominium Act of Ontario we know what is needed to deliver the right services to the condominium community and satisfy the directives of the board’s rules and regulations. We can professionally manage administrative services such as bookkeeping, collecting fees and rent, doing payroll, budgets, financials, insurance, filing government forms and producing reports. Along with around the clock service call handling, we can also oversee sub-contractors and inspectors, perform tenant screening and negotiate leasing agreements if required.
With the quality solutions from our professional property management team, the condominium board and members can be confident that their resources are getting the best possible treatment for today and the most value for their investments tomorrow.

Residential Rental Properties
Smaller residential properties such as single family homes, townhomes or even subdivided apartment units each have a very special set of requirements for property management. Some people may just need their property watched over and maintained because they are non-resident owners, or just away for an extended period of time. In these types of situations we can provide the basic services such as regular inspections, security checks and property clean up so that essential snow removal is completed in the winter and simple lawn and garden care is provided in the summer. Also minor maintenance issues and repairs can quickly be attended to so that they do not continue to get worse or result in further property loss. Even simple administrative services such as paying taxes, insurance and utility bills can be performed as needed in order to provide a worry free solution to your property needs while it is not occupied.
Other property owners will want to take advantage of having ongoing rental income from their residential property while they are not using it. We can arrange for professional tenant screening and selection for you and follow up with regular rent collection, ongoing maintenance needs and emergency contact services that are needed once you start having tenants. We would also continue with regular property inspections and provide the normal service and maintenance functions that are not being done by the tenants, so that your investment property continues to keep its value and market appeal.
ACCL Property Management uses its thorough knowledge of the Residential Tenancies Act to provide the best professional support and services for all of your rental property needs. By having the confidence and security that your residential property is being managed by professionals in your absence will guarantee you can get the best possible income from your property while ensuring it will maintain and grow as an investment too.

Rental Apartment Property Management
All of the larger rental apartment complexes will also require a variety of regular maintenance and support services that are not typically done by the tenants. The primary goal for the property owners is to minimize the overall expenses while maintaining good relations with all the tenants to keep the property in top condition and full occupancy. This can best be achieved with the help of a professional property management team that specializes in apartments and large rental building. We can start with finding and selecting the right tenants and administering the duties of collecting rents, paying taxes and utilities, and keeping regular cleaning and repair jobs under control. We can also provide prompt access to trades professionals for electrical, plumbing, HVAC, and other emergency services when required. And when it is necessary to add improvements and remodeling for new tenants, we can help with the design and requirements specifications and oversee the renovation work to completion. Your ACCL Property Management professionals can bring the experience and resources to look after all of your large or small rental properties in one place.

Commercial and Industrial
With commercial and industrial properties you have to start with the best possible tenants for your facility in order to get the best market return available. Ongoing maintenance and services are one of the most important factors to attract and keep the good tenants for the long term. Our experienced commercial property managers know how to satisfy the most demanding clients and keep your property value at its best for years to come. Keeping your property in the best condition possible is the ultimate goal for both the owners and the tenants.
We can also provide plans and delivery of the ideal custom design improvements to suit any new tenant’s business requirements. Ongoing property maintenance will also guarantee satisfied customers and repeat business. Clean, well maintained properties will attract the best customers for your clients. Along with the usual grounds cleaning, snow removal and building maintenance we can offer window cleaning, janitorial services and even small repairs when they are needed the most. Get the full property management solution for your commercial properties so your tenants can focus on taking care of their business too.

Government and Institutional Facilities Management
Many government and institutional services are moving away from owning and operating their own physical facilities. Because of this they are relying on outsourcing more of the facility and property management functions to private suppliers. The need to be cost effective and competitive in the market is becoming the dominant factor for providing quality and effective property resources for these agencies. Whether it is in administration services such as licensing and registration offices, or in client delivery services such as medical clinics, seniors residences or nursing homes they are all seeing the transition to third party operators.
Most governments and institutions are moving away from using their own internal staff to provide these services, so that they can better deliver their core essential services without the distractions of facilities management. That is why the need for reliable quality property management services is even greater than ever. By providing these services, from handling property administration to maintenance and repairs, in the most efficient and professional manner, we can deliver the best operating facilities in optimal condition for the delivery of services your institutions are known for.
At ACCL Property Management we bring the strength of a team of experienced building contractors, and rental unit administrators. We bring excellent contract negotiating skills along with excellent administrative management techniques to provide the full range of facilities management duties for any level of government or institutional property.

Targeted Property Specialties
We can provide customized property management solutions that are targeted to a variety of specialized property types. These would include residential rental properties, larger apartment complexes, condominiums, institutional facilities and commercial properties.