Property Managers know that every building or property needs an emergency plan. Tenants need to be informed of whom to contact, what to do or where to go in case any sort of emergency arises such as fire, flood, earthquake, etc. Having plans in place will ensure first and foremost the safety of your tenants as well as minimize potential damage to the building and any liability for you, the property manager.

Most Landlords/Property Managers are not stationed at the building so there should be one or two responsible persons living at the property that can be called upon in case of an emergency to contact 911, act as a fire warden, account for all tenants and follow-up proper protocol when the need arises. This responsibility should not be taken lightly. These designated responsible individuals should also be aware of any resident who is disabled and would need extra help and those that have pets. If the Superintendent or Maintenance person is not immediately available, they should also know how to shut off gas, water, electricity as guided by the utility companies.

ACCL Property Management has compiled the following list of things you should have on hand or be aware of to safely navigate an emergency.


It is crucial to have an emergency contact list with all the important phone numbers on it and should be kept in a place that residents are aware of and can find easily.

A few helpful contacts include, but are not limited to:

  • Emergency: fire, medical, police (911)
  • Ontario Poison Centre (1-800-268-9017)
  • Ontario TeleHealth (1-866-797-0000/ TTY:1-866-797-0009)
  • Veterinarian and 24/7 Pet Hospital


An emergency kit is a one-stop-shop for when a situation arises, and you need quick access to tools or items that can help you. Each tenant should be encouraged to have one and should include the following:

  • Flashlights, candles & matches
  • A multi-tool that features a knife, pliers, universal bit driver, and/or wire cutters
  • Batteries
  • Duct tape
  • Heat reflective emergency blankets
  • First Aid Items: Band-aids, sterile wipes, gauze, and wraps, etc.

In addition to having contact numbers and some items on hand to help you out when an emergency occurs, it is also important to know:

  • Your nearest emergency exits and fire-safe stairwells. Where possible, diagrams should be placed in common areas accessible to all tenants.
  • Not to use the elevators in case of fire and keep doors closed.
  • Fire extinguishers should be strategically placed throughout the building with explicit easy to use instructions. They should be also be serviced annually or after use to ensure they are always in good working condition. Usually, the fire department can assist with this.
  • How to safely evacuate your unit or building.
  • Muster point and local evacuation centres.

One can never be too prepared!

ACCL Property Management specializes in assisting landlords and property owners maintain and manage their properties. Contact us for help with your property.

A.C.C.L. Property Management CALL US: 1(844) 651-2225 or, submit your information below and one of our experts will contact you shortly.
A.C.C.L. Property Management Maintenance Request